Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Harvest Party!


Carving pumpkins!

My sweet Maja!!

Our scarecrow and decorations!

Last Saturday night we had a harvest party with the youth and it was so much! We played pictionary, roasted chestnuts, carved pumpkins, and ate lots of yummy food!! We had a blast!

October 25, 2009

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us will rejoice and be glad in it."
-Psalm 118:24
Pokey, Greg, Johnny, and me
Right before the race started and so excited!!

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." - 2 Cor. 12:9
"...let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us." -Hebrews 12:1
Johnny and I sprinting to cross the finish line!

"Run in such a way as to get the prize." - 1 Cor. 9:24
Johnny and I feeling so happy that we finished in 2 hours and 10 minutes!! 5 minutes faster then what I hoped for!

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." - Psalm 145:3

"...let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." -Hebrew 10:24
Couldn't have done it without this incredible encourager for the past 10 weeks of training!

One of the best days of my life. Right now I don't have a ton of words except how thankful I am and that I give the Lord all the praise and glory for this accomplishment! It was not by my own strength that I did this :) He is so good and so faithful to provide my every need.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Holy smokes! Well tomorrow we are getting up early to drive to Ljubljana for the 14th Ljubljana Marathon!! Race startes at 10:30 am! Brooke and Polona are going to be Johnny and I's encouragers throughout the race! There are also a few people that came down from Czech that are staying with us and will be running the race as well! However, one of them is running the whole marathon and the other is running the half like Johnny and I. I am getting very excited but really nervous for some reason :) You know like that nervous/excited feeling in your stomach!! Because in exactly 24 hours the race will begin!! Right now its raining here but the forecast says that tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day! So I am praying for great weather!!

Also, I just need to say thank you to my sweet sweet friend Amanda, who sent me the most encouraging email last week, with so many verses with the analogy of running, that I will be quoting to myself the whole time :) I have my playlist on my ipod all ready to go! I have been drinking lots of water and peeing like crazy to keep my self hydrated! I don't want to be passing out or anything! I have been trying to get my carbs in this week andddd yea... I think that's all!! Oh and I have my new running shoes!! Thank you Asics! So thank you everyone that have been encouraging me up to this point and who have encouraged me not to quit! (Brooke, Johnny, Kel, Amanda, Elizabeth) I will be thinking of you while I am running! While at the same time totally focusing on the Lord who is giving the ability, and body, and strength, and lungs, and heart, etc to do this!! I am so thankful :)

K... I am going for a short little run to keep the muscles loose or something :) I will update asap!! Thank you for your prayers and support!!!!!!!!!!!

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. -Hebrews 12:1-3

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

just cause!

Here's a fun little survey I found on someone else's blog. You are only supposed to use one word or a short phrase for your answer-- to kind of keep everyone guessing! :) Pass it on if you are the survey type!

1. Where is your cell phone? dunno

2. Your hair? down

3. Your mother? miss her :(

4. Your father? miss him

5. Your favorite food? bananas

6. Your dream last night? no thanks

7. Your favorite drink? pear juice

8. Your dream/goal? ....

9. What room are you in? Mine

10. Your hobby? reading blogs???

11. Your fear? others

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? haha!

13. Where were you last night? a musical

14. Something that you aren’t? confrontational

15. Muffins? yum

16. Wish list item? im content

17. Where did you grow up? everywhere! :)

18. Last thing you did? talked to becca

19. What are you wearing? Comfy's

20. Your TV? what tv?

21. Your pets? eww no pets

22. Friends? far away

23. Your life? Jesus

24. Your mood? thankful

25. Missing someone? troy

26. Vehicle? wish i had one

27. Something you’re not wearing? socks

28. Your favorite store? bla bla....

29. Your favorite color? gray

30. When was the last time you laughed? a few minutes ago

31. Last time you cried? dont remember :(

32. Your best friend? so blessed

33. One place that I go to over and over? bathroom

34. One person who emails me regularly? fb

35. Favorite place to eat? maggie moo's

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

happy birthdays!

Kel and me at Kendi's wedding!

So this week, or really from Thursday until today, I have celebrated FIVE, yes count them FIVE birthdays!! Thursday was Kelly and Luka's Birthday, Friday was Brooke's birthday and Saturday was Naomi's birthday and today is my Mom's birthday. So I have been to 3 birthday parties in the past 4 days. One thursday night, one friday night, and one sunday night!! Oh And in two weeks from today is my sister's birthday! Insane!! All these birthdays! So fun!

But I really wanted to just send a little love from one friend to another, from one side of the world to the other!! Kelly has been one of my best friends for about 3 years now! We were R.A's together our junior year of college! Kel is seriously one of the most loyal friends I have and someone that I can tell anything and everything to... but I have already done a whole blog just about how great she is so if you want to know more about how incredible of a friend she is to me, you can read my blog about her :) Hope you had a great birthday kel! I love you so so so much!! Thank you for who you are in my life! You are a huge blessing and gift to me!!

Me and Brooke out for her birthday lunch at Čajna Hiša!

Well, I don't know how long you want me to talk about Brooke and the impact she has made on my life in the past year... bc it could take me all day and I am not kidding! She immediately felt like family to me! It's not very often that I feel that with someone and so quickly! Really she is one of the biggest blessings the Lord has given me in my life! Her friendship and mentorship has changed me and my life! I am different and better person because of Brooke. I really mean that! The Lord has spoken significant truth through her countless times in the past year of knowing her! I am so blessed by her and so thankful for her investment in my life! She will never know :) For her birthday I gave her a thank you card instead of a birthday card bc I found it more appropriate and maybe thats weird but I was just so thankful for her birthday... haha! I thank the Lord everyday for her!! Brooke, I words cant express what you mean to me! Thank you for everything! I love you more then words!!

It's been another great week! I feel like I have said this a lot lately but this is and has been the best FALL season of my life for so many reasons!! Last night, I couldn't sleep because I was just thinking and my brain wouldn't shut up, but while I had all that time to think, I just thought about how joyful I am and how happy I am and how great this season in my life has been! Its been and continues to be an invaluable season in my life!! I feel so at peace and its a glorious blessing from the Lord Himself!!

Oh and another reason I couldn't sleep is because I am so excited that tamma and dave (my aunt and uncle) are coming NEXT WEEK!!!!!!! I will get to spend just a few days with them but I am thrilled for the time that we will get!! Time is flying by! I only have 8 weeks left! I have so many mixed emotions! But no worries!! :) Life is good!! God is good!!!!!

"The Lord is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord." -Psalm 45:11

Ales, Polona, Whitney, Erin, and Justin
Brooke, Me, and Amy
Johnny, Marko, and Matej

Celebrating Brooke's 29th birthday!!

The group here in Celje that I go to church with and hang out with most Friday nights for our shows, So You Think You Can Dance and Flash Forward!


This is my beautiful Mom! Do we look alike?? :) Today is her birthday! And I kind of think that she did a great job raising my sister, brother, and I and I hope she knows that! I will never understand how she did it all and with a smile on her face! I wouldn't be who I am today without her, obviously!! She has taught me so many things! So many things that she probably doesn't even know! She is one of the most selfless, giving people I know! She is incredibly generous and I just miss her so much! I wish I could be with her this day! I love her so much! And I am so thankful for my mom! So I thought she needed and deserved and is worthy of a blog just for her :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

prayer requests...

1. My cousin Angie and her husband Bobby. About a week ago their house burned to the ground. The only thing they got out in time were their dogs and themselves. They are my age and I haven't gotten to talk to her yet and I am just grieving with them over the loss of their home... Yes, its just stuff, however, its also memories of a life. Ya know... Ang is a pretty avid journaler and her journals from the time she was 8, were in her house and pictures, etc... you can imagine. Things that you cant get back.

2. Also my cousin Nicole and her family. Nicole is getting ready to have baby #2 in a couple months, which is sooo exciting, but she is going through a lot of stress with different things so just pray for peace and guidance!

3. I have a friend here, who will remain nameless, who is searching. :) Its exciting, but if you could pray for a soft and open heart! God is so good!

4. I only have 2 more months here in this incredible country and there are lots of mixed emotions that come with being overseas! So... if could just continue praying through this journey with me, I would greatly appreciate it!

And just so you know, if you cant tell by other blogs, I am doing really well! Really loving this season of life! I am so blessed! Today was another great day here in Slovenia... the first cold day... like the for real, its getting cold kind of day. I am a little sad that my mom is oklahoma with the sis and nephew and bro without me... BUT I am happy that she is getting that time!

Ok time for skype with my favorite little brother :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

i cant decide what to title this!

Crystal was right! Its time for an update!

This is a picture of when we went go cart-ing... I am not sure how to say that :) This is me, Giva, and Lara. It was fun! I got fourth place out of all the girls! Ha... I think there were only 7 girls total. I didn't really know anyone except Lara, but I met a couple people. I am still hanging out with Lara and Maja!! I got to have a really interesting conversation with Lara about what she believes and then I got to share what I believe. I am really excited to continue talking through some of these things with her! I got to meet some significant people in their lives :) So thats fun! I really enjoy those sisters!

Johnny, Brooke, and Me :)
This was last Monday on our day off! It was seriously one of the best days ever! We walked around town with our mint hot chocolate and ate roasted chestnuts! I now like them after trying them 3 times!! It has been and incredible fall here!! Best ever!!

Wednesday, we had our monthly team meeting in Ljubljana! It was a productive, informative meeting! It is always so good to see everyone! I love the structure of our team here in Slovenia! They feel more like a family, then just team members!! What a blessing!!

This week we had youth group! 5 students showed up and we had printed out some current event articles and talked about them! It was cool to get our minds thinking about things going on around the world and how it does or doesn't affect us. I was reminded of how small I am, but how thankful that I serve a God that still loves little, tiny, me :) Then we came back to Johnny and Brooke's to watch the soccer game and play mexican train! FUN!

Yesterday in church, I had the kids! Well the toddlers! They are so cute and fun! THEN, Johnny and I ran 10 MILES!! It was seriously the most perfect weather and day to run! It was probably the fastest, best, long run I have ever had. We both felt like we were going at a faster pace then normal, but it felt so good! We ran for about an hour and 45 minutes! Brooke was so kind to bring us water about an hour into our run! Why was it the best feeling to see her, I don't know, but it was so encouraging! She is the best encourager EVER!!! So then Johnny and I finished our run! I am so thankful that she will be there to encourage us October 25th, at the marathon! Oh and I don't know if I mentioned but Johnny just started running with me a week ago... Insane that he just busted out 10 miles! And did a great job!

Today is Monday! And can I just say, thank the Lord for days of rest! Again, Mondays are our days off so really enjoy them to the fullest! I woke up today to rain! Ahhh, its the best feeling ever when its raining outside and you know you get to stay inside all day and chill! So Johnny made home-made butter milk biscuits and then we watched the BRONCO game with our hot chocolate! Can I just say, GO BRONCOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAHHH!!! I mean what a GREAT day!! Haha! We all three keep saying what a great day this is!

Brooke is making BBQ chicken for dinner and my stomach is growling because it smells soooo good!! I am seriously so blessed to live with J and B! I really haven't craved any food because I eat SOOO GOOD here!! They are awesome and most of the time when I think about the impact they have and continue to make in my life, I get choked up! I am sure that I will blog about that later... like a thanksgiving blog or something BUT I am a strong believer in not waiting til a season or event or holiday to tell someone how much they mean to you and how much you love them! Every thanksgiving, its a family tradition to go around the dinner table and say what we are thankful for that year and I already know what I am thankful for this year and its Johnny and Brooke! :) I wish everyone had a Johnny and Brooke in their life. I DON'T take them for granted! Ok... well I wasn't planning on going on going off about how incredible they are, but I went there!

I pray that you enjoy your Monday as much as I am! There is a little update for ya! Much love from Slovenia!

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you, Do not be afraid; don not be discouraged." -Deut 31:8

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Nothing super significant to mention today but just a quick update! First... I CANNOT BELIEVE ITS ALREADY OCTOBER 3! Crazy!! I love fall and this may just be my first year to recognize my love for it! Anyway!

Last Saturday we had youth group! Only 4 showed up but we still had fun! Playing forks (yes forks, not spoons, but they were plastic so it wasn't that bad. I think I was the only one with an injury:) not really just a little slice, no big) and rock band!

Petra, me, and Maja at youth group!

Sunday night we had a birthday party for Erin, our pastor's wife. She turned 30!!! That was fun! We ate lots of yummy food! (My fav was Brooke's incredible bean dip, there are no words) Then watched the new show Flash Forward! Really good! I think we are going to enjoy it!

Justin, Erin, Johnny, and Brooke
(My pastor and his wife)

This week... I have been hanging out with Maja and Lara a lot! It has been really nice and fun! One night we got ice cream and roasted chestnuts! Chestnuts are a huge thing here in the fall!! I dont know if I love them, but I still eat them :) We grabbed coffee one rainy day at this new 50's cafe! Its just like "Grease". I loved it! Then we got lunch at a Mexican Restaurant, if you can call it that! It was yummy though, but not really Mexican like in the states!
So Lara teaches an aerobic class on Tuesday and Friday nights... She invited me to come last night! (I was there for 2 hours because she teaches one at 6 and 7, so I just stayed for both) Needless to say, I am a little sore today, but I love it!

Sorry I don't have any pics of us! But today I am going to ride go carts (or something) with her and her boyfriend, so I will take some pics!!

Wednesday for church, Justin split us into groups and we did a prayer walk around the city in the shape of a cross! It was pretty cool! I was in a group with Marko and Amy and we walked by the schools and stopped and prayed for students that attend! We are praying for soft soil in the city of Celje! There are so many that need the love of Christ!!

This week, I have also been doing a lot of reading! Its becoming a hobby of mine :) I think I mentioned this, but Brooke and I are trying to read through the Bible by the time I leave here December 15th! It's called a Bible read through! Right now I am in Numbers! I have a long way to go :)

Ok well, there is a little bit for now! Hope all is well with your soul! If not, let me know how I can pray for you :)

"But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." Exodus 9:16