Tuesday, April 7, 2009

just for you girl!

How are you supposed to start your very first sentence of a brand new blog? I guess I could start with thanking Amanda Taylor (who I am dedicating this first blog to) for introducing me to blogging and then tell about how much we laughed trying to think of a title for my blog... Since I am going to SLOvenia, we thought we should try to be clever and come up with a title that rhymes with slo... hahaha!! So being that Amanda is very creative, we went to the rhyming dictionary online and looked up things that rhymed with slow... Needless to say, she was creative in her ryhmes and I got quite the laugh out of it... but none made the cut! I made the final decision to be Joyfully... (obviously)

I guess ultimately I picked that word because I wanted it to be a reminder... through good and bad, God is still God and He is still good and I can rest in the sheer JOY that my God is faithful to never leave or forsake me! I have something to be joyful about and I want to live my life in that way that people see the JOY He ALONE brings :)

So be encouraged today that even when we are "faithless, HE WILL REMAIN FAITHFUL" - 2 timothy 2:13

hi my name is sara and i will grow in slo and make cookie dough and then go mow or maybe sew fo sho ya know foe...

1 comment:

  1. i like the bottome part the best. hahah i think the title of your blog should have been ALL of that. hehe.

    love you girl. so excited for where you are headed. i am praying that you would feel the love and joy that God has in store for you.
