Friday, August 21, 2009


So about a month ago, there was about 10 consecutive days where this married couple kept coming to my mind right before I would go to bed. So I would pray for them and then go to sleep. I had NO CLUE why the Lord was bringing these 2 random people to my mind. I don't have regular contact with them and I really didn't even know what to pray or why I was praying for them, but I just kept praying for protection over them! So it stopped for a few nights and then they came to my mind again one night when I was trying to go to sleep. So I decided to get up and send them an email and tell them they were on my heart and I was praying for them and had no idea why... I sent it and went to sleep and didn't really think about it again until yesterday when I got an email from the wife telling me that the reason she hadn't written back until now was because she was waiting for her results back from a breast biopsy! She had breast cancer a couple years ago, so she assumed that the test would come back saying she had cancer again BUT Praise the Almighty God, it was benign!!! Wow!! I am pretty much speechless in my awe for how the Holy Spirit works!! Thank you Lord that she is okay! :)


  1. You know what? That's amazing and I totally believe it. I had a very vivid dream about someone really close to me a couple of weeks ago. I called them the next day and sure enough, they had been up all night dealing with the issue I had so vividly dreamed about. It helped give some direction I think. It's SOOOOO amazing how God works. His ways are so much bigger than ours and it's reassuring to know that he just knows and cares about the smallest details of our little lives. I love you. That is so awesome about your friend. Praise God, Sara!

  2. wow sara... t.j. and i just read that and have total chills- the Lord is so good and Almighty!!!!
